This club is for members only.
Don’t hesitate to join us.
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Welcome to Cosmos.
Our raw material: 7,000 VHS tapes lying dormant in the basement of our fears. These little black monoliths contain everything and anything.
This anthropological magnetic database is not exclusive. Our programmes confront these video tapes with the avant-garde of tomorrow, with the secrets of the Gods, with improbable images unearthed from who knows where, and with everything that might serve our objective: to make you beautiful and intelligent and, incidentally, to create an interface that allows you to see the history and plasticity of the video image.
Thanks to this digital database, film buffs, researchers and visitors will be able to access these documents (magnetic tapes) while guaranteeing their preservation. They will be able to compare them with other video or digital media, past, present and future.
Film, Cosmos‘ No. 1 passion, will also be showing its face in digital simulacra.
The documents are presented in the form of programmes. Each programme has a more or less ephemeral life on the site, as we have opted for limited storage space. However, each document presented will be listed in the programme history and can be consulted on request.
To keep these VHS alive and kicking, programmers, artists (creations), historians, collectors, etc. will be invited to suggest new shelves. Each new programme leads to new acquisitions: another way of keeping this archive fund alive.
This site is also a radio station. Radio? As we spent hours beside the machines that digitise this sum of analogue data, we realised that floating listening was also a relevant way of understanding it. Give it a try.
We would like to thank all the people (artists, collectors, rights holders) who have helped us make this adventure possible. But to bring it to life, we need your help.
The future? Just as cars have eaten up Paris, no doubt over time VHS will invade all our shelves to the exclusion of all other documents. Until then, welcome to the club.
Nb: if you think a document should be withdrawn from our online collection, please let us know.